Look after your feet and they will walk you to great health. If you are looking to get fitter and healthier, why not undertake an activity that comes naturally to us all. Walking is good for you, free and can fit around even the busiest lifestyle. Below are a number of resources to inspire and guide you to greater fitness through walking.
Benefits of walking
Walking is good for you and if done at a brisk pace for regular exercise it helps condition your body and improve overall cardiovascular health in the same way running and jogging do. But compared with running, walking carries a significantly lower risk of injury, it reduces stress and gives you time to clear your head and aids better sleep. It’s the nearest thing to ‘perfect’ exercise in terms of a safe, all-round workout and it doesn’t cost a penny or need any special equipment.
Did you know…?
- If you walk an extra 20 minutes a day, you’ll burn off > 3kg of body fat a year.
- A single step uses up to 200 muscles. So you’re not only doing a little cardio, but toning your muscles too and walking is easy on your joints.
- Walking can halve your risk of coronary heart disease and help prevent some cancers and cuts cholesterol.
- Walking may slow cognitive decline in adults, especially those with existing conditions such as Alzheimer’s.
- Walking can help to prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes.
- Walking requires little equipment can be done almost anywhere and is entirely free.
- Can help improve circulation in your feet by stimulating the development of tiny new blood vessels.
What walking does to your feet
In an average lifetime, we walk about 100,000 miles, which is tough on our feet. Yet our bodies were designed for moving not standing still, so walking is good exercise. Walking helps the muscles and ligaments in our feet to work more efficiently, and helps keep them supple and flexible.
Walk briskly for at least 30 minutes every day. Feet are adaptable and can withstand a lot of pressure before they rebel. If you walk a lot, it’s important to wear the right footwear that won’t damage your feet.
Top foot problems associated with walking
- Blisters
- Heel pain – Plantar fasciitis
- Morton’s neuroma – swollen or thickened nerve in the ball of your foot.
How we can help you keep walking
Consult your chiropractor if you start to develop pain when walking, or consider a visit before embarking on your new walking program.
Chiropractors provide the basis for the ideal walking style and posture and identify any conditions that may require further referral and management. Chiropractors can also give expert advice on footwear, so it is a good idea to take your walking shoes with you when you go to see your chiropractor.